
Nice Animal Jobs photos

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A few nice animal jobs images I found:

Patagonian Sheep, Chile
animal jobs
Image by Dimitry B
Sheep farming introduced in the late 19th century has been a principal economic activity. After reaching its heights during the First World War, the decline in world wool prices affected sheep farming in Argentina. Nowadays about half of Argentina's 15 million sheep are in Patagonia, a percentage that is growing as sheep farming disappears in the Pampa (to the North). Chubut (mainly Merino) is the top wool producer with Santa Cruz (Corriedale and some Merino) second. Sheep farming revived in 2002 with the devaluation of the peso and firmer global demand for wool (led by China and the EU). Still there is little investment in new abbatoirs (mainly in Comodoro Rivadavia, Trelew and Rio Gallegos), and often there are phitosanitary restrictions to the export of sheep meat. Extensive valleys in the Cordilleran range have provided sufficient grazing lands, and the low humidity and weather of the southern region make raising Merino and Corriedale sheep common.

Livestock also includes small numbers of cattle, and in lesser numbers pigs and horses. Sheep farming provides small but important jobs located in rural areas where there is little else.
- wikipedia

Cool Dog Detailing...
animal jobs
Image by Pacdog
Forgot about this photo. If your in the Orlando area We do still detail and also do demo and haul jobs...

Arabian nights!
animal jobs
Image by brina_head
I was in my local library yesterday & cruisin' the children's book section (which i love to do ;)) when i came upon a book called, "Polo: The Runway Book" by Regis Faller.

When I went home and started reading, I fell in love right away! info you don't know who he is, check him out: www.regisfaller.com/

Anyway, in the book there's a part where the main character, Polo, finds himself enjoying a desert party with gypsy elephants dancing away! I thought it was too adorable I wanted to expound more on this particular scene :)

Had alot of fun making this piece, making the background & creating the other animals to join in the festivities ;) I feel I did a decent job, though I think next time I'll ink the characters b4 coloring them in photoshop. I want to be a children's book illustrator one day, so I think this was good practice.
