
Devil May Cry: Anime Incarnation Of A Fun Video Game

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Devil May Cry is a fun video game series and its anime incarnation is no different. It has everything a good series ought to have: fights, guns, detective noir, and demons. Lots of demons. While the anime has reoccurring characters from the video game series, the story doesn't touch on events that happen in the games. The plot of the anime is a completely original one. The episodes are mostly one-shots, but there is a main story that hovers in the background until the last few episodes. The show flows a lot like Cowboy Bebop actually, only with less comedic moments.

Each episode introduces a case that Dante has to solve with his guns, sword and wits. (For those who are new to the DMC 'verse, Dante is the owner of a detective-ish agency that deals solely with people having problems of the demonic nature.) He does get a little help from some of his old friends and some new ones as well. The newest acquisition to Team Devil May Cry is a small girl named Patty. Dante rescues her in the first episode and she becomes his un-official girl Friday, whose duties range from redecorating the office in tasteful pink bows to nagging Dante to stop eating pizza and go pay the bills. Of course, Patty is more than she seems and ends up being the catalyst to events that make the show end with a bang.

The show is a really fun ride, don't put me down as saying it's not! But there is one thing that is very jarring for me and that is the proprietor of the Devil May Cry agency himself, Dante. It's really hard to reconcile the image of Dante of the video game series with the Dante of the anime. The Dante of the video games is likable, but no one will deny that he's a bit of a jerk at times and hasn't really grown out of his wild college party days. In contrast, the Dante of the anime is much more...grown up. He's more quiet, less likely to rush in to situations (or ride missiles like they were surfboards) and comes across as a more stylishly dressed Spike Spiegel. There is nothing wrong with it! Just be warned that if you were expecting the juvenile shenanigans of the original Dante, you're in for a more subdued surprise.

Other than Dante's sudden maturity, the show still keeps the tone of the video games pretty well. True, it doesn't elaborate on any of the plot points the games presents, nor does it answer any of the questions that are left unanswered. What it is though, is an enjoyable little side story that gives us a peek into Dante's "normal" life. Not every day can be an epic struggle to save the world from encroaching hells. Dante's "every day" does include lots of stylish butt kicking and witty jibes though, so it's still far from boring!

Michelle Tsuki is an avid Anime fan and writer for ForYourAnime.com. ForYouAnime.com is an active and fun Anime community for fans to participate in writing Manga and Anime reviews, forum discussions and contests. For more Anime news and views visit: http://www.foryouranime.com.
