
Nice Animals Facts photos

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A few nice animals facts images I found:

Masai Giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)
animals facts
Image by Gregory Moine
Masai Giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)

- Range: the Savannas of eastern Africa. Note: in prehistoric time this single species ranged over most open areas in Africa. The giraffe range began to shrink 1,400 years ago to its present size.
- Diet: Girraffes are browsers. plucking leaves, buds and fruits from trees such as acacia, mimosa and wild apricot.
- Fun Fact: a giraffe's 18-inch tongue helps extend its reach way up into the treetops and curls in between spiny thorns on acacia trees. It is believed that the black pigmentation prevents the tongue from getting sunburned.

Masai Giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)
animals facts
Image by Gregory Moine
Masai Giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)

- Range: the Savannas of eastern Africa. Note: in prehistoric time this single species ranged over most open areas in Africa. The giraffe range began to shrink 1,400 years ago to its present size.
- Diet: Girraffes are browsers. plucking leaves, buds and fruits from trees such as acacia, mimosa and wild apricot.
- Fun Fact: a giraffe's 18-inch tongue helps extend its reach way up into the treetops and curls in between spiny thorns on acacia trees. It is believed that the black pigmentation prevents the tongue from getting sunburned.

Masai Giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)
animals facts
Image by Gregory Moine
Masai Giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)

- Range: the Savannas of eastern Africa. Note: in prehistoric time this single species ranged over most open areas in Africa. The giraffe range began to shrink 1,400 years ago to its present size.
- Diet: Girraffes are browsers. plucking leaves, buds and fruits from trees such as acacia, mimosa and wild apricot.
- Fun Fact: a giraffe's 18-inch tongue helps extend its reach way up into the treetops and curls in between spiny thorns on acacia trees. It is believed that the black pigmentation prevents the tongue from getting sunburned.
