
Laying Low

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A few nice all about animals images I found:

Laying Low
all about animals
Image by Furryscaly
A more recent photo of Alexial the deathstalker scorpion, Leiurus quinquestriatus, under a blacklight. This time she's all grown up! View large.

You should NEVER leave a blacklight on a scorpion long-term. The intense UV rays will eventually kill the nocturnal animal. Some pet stores market scorpion habitats with blacklights because they look cool, but they don't tell you the facts.

This photo was also used in an article about scorpions on airplanes:

"Leiurus quinquestriatus" "deathstalker scorpion" "Egyptian deathstalker" Animalia Arthropoda Arachnida Scorpiones Buthidae Leiurus "L. quinquestriatus" animal arthropod arachnid scorpion buthid venomous poisonous dangerous deadly invertebrate bug exoskeleton scutes tergites palps pedipalps claws pincers chelae chelicerae extreme LD50 Scorpio "exotic pet" creepy "beady eyes" "close-up" "Israeli desert scorpion" "Palestine yellow scorpion" "Palestinian yellow scorpion" "Omdurman scorpion" "Egyptian deathstalker" "Arabian deathstalker scorpion" "neurotoxic venom" neurotoxin Alexial glow blacklight fluorescent florescent blue neon UV ultraviolet luminescent luminescence "cold light" reflect reflective night dark bright shine shining blue-green taxonomy:kingdom=Animalia taxonomy:phylum=Arthropoda taxonomy:class=Arachnida taxonomy:order=Scorpiones taxonomy:family=Buthidae taxonomy:genus=Leiurus "taxonomy:binomial=Leiurus quinquestriatus"

Turkey babies take their first dust bath.
all about animals
Image by Animal Place
Animal Place staff loves to capture all the exciting moments of the animals at the sanctuary. Here is Animal Caregiver Jacie, Animal Care Manager Jamie and Education Manager Marji being very excited about the turkey babies taking their first dust bath. animalplace.org/
