
Animal Spirit Totem ? Dog

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One of the most common animals that we humans have around us is the dog. It is not a guarantee that if you have a dog around you, that the dog is your animal spirit totem. However, if you do have dogs around you, it may be worthwhile for you to take advantage of that opportunity to learn from our friend, the dog.

We have main guides and teaching guides. Very often an animal will come into your life briefly, cross your path, or even be killed by you. Those are present in our lives to serve as teaching guides. You can bet if you run over an animal with your car, you have a lesson to learn from that animal's traits and ways. If you are a hunter and you kill an animal, that animal's wisdom and ways should be something you research and learn.

In the case of dogs, they teach us so many valuable lessons. I think the one we all are familiar with is, of course, loyalty. Everyone knows about a dog's unconditional love and undying loyalty. We are also familiar with the fact that dogs protect us. Many dog owners actually own the dog for the specific purpose of protection. Dogs have also helped man work, such as the herders, hunters, and sled dogs. One of the traits I find so fascinating in the animal spirit totem dog is the ability to bounce back, heal, and let go of the past. It is incredibly hard to break a dog's spirit. I had the privilege of helping a horrible broken and abused dog recently. She would hide her head under her leg whenever food or water was put down and her whole body would shake. I finally got her to trust me enough to be able to put my hand inside her cage. I then eventually got her to eat out of my hand. That was approximately three months ago and that dog doesn't even remember those days any more. When I see her with her family, she is nothing less than joyful! She let go of her past so quickly. I have to grin every time I think about how we humans will hold on to baggage from forty years ago, but that little dog can forget someone stomping her back so hard that her pelvis was broken. It took her less than three weeks to get to where she trusted the humans around her and started exploring her new life.

To wrap the animal spirit totem dog up in a nice little package, the most common and familiar traits are as follows:


Unconditional love
Undying loyalty
Nearly unbreakable spirit
Understanding the difference between and the duality of doubt and faith
Knowing when trouble is close
An innate ability to sense good or evil in beings


If you are finding yourself with the dog as your animal spirit totem, you may want to ask yourself some questions. Do you have the proper companionship in your life? Do you have a lack of love? Do you allow yourself to receive love from others? Are you faithful to yourself? Is your spirit low? These are just some of the questions that an animal spirit totem dog can help you answer and heal in your own life. Are you curious about your totem? Come on in and find your power animal today.


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