
Bichon Frise Stuffed Animal

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If there was ever an award for the most adorable plush dog, it would undoubtedly go to the Bichon Frise stuffed animal. With its soft, white, plush fur and happy-go-lucky face, this plush pup is a winner on all fronts. The Bichon Frise stuffed animal found online is 14 inches tall and 7 inches wide that's a whole lot of plush pooch for any child to love and hug.

The Bichon Fris is known as a very lively little dog that is much more sturdy and playful than many of the other toy breeds. Its regarded as a French breed but its true origins are not completely known. Based on speculation, it likely descended from an early water spaniel, but some think that sailors brought it back to the Mediterranean from the Canary Islands sometime in the 14th century. Given the Bischon Friss similarity to the Maltese, it seems plausible that the two breeds shared some of their forebears. For centuries, Bichon Friss were companion dogs in the European courts, where they enjoyed a pampered existence. In the 19th century, however, the breed fell from grace, and like the Poodle was 'drafted' into circus troupes. The modern Bichon Friss legacy of a robust, cheerful nature is perhaps due to its hard work as an entertainer. In the 20th century, the breed found popularity as a pet in the United States in addition to becoming quite fashionable in Britain.

The Bichon Fris is really a very appealing dog (as is the Bichon Frise stuffed animal); with its charming and gentle disposition, it is an excellent breed to have around children. It does, however, require a good deal of care where its coat is concerned. With its loosely curled double coated fur, it should be groomed quite frequently. Its coat by no means requires the same kind of attention it gets when the breed is being shown in a professional capacity grooming for a dog show has the breed looking like an elegant powder puff but, at the very least it should be given professional grooming frequently.

While the Bichon Frise stuffed animal online does not require professional grooming (or really any grooming at all), if a child chooses to 'brush' out its fur, there would be no harm done. Since this plush pup is not the real thing, there is no need to worry about its hair getting too long and/or tangled due to it curls. It will, however, need as much love and care as can be provided and it certainly won't mind a hug or two from its owner.

Angeline Hope is a collector of big stuffed dog toys. You can view a selection of dog plush animals at MyBigPlush.

Officially third year of making these vids. Wowza. Well, as usual, it's about quality not quantity, even though I did get a decent amount xD Let's hope March...
