
Cool Animals Photos images

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Stand well back - cow whispering in progress
animals photos
Image by publicenergy
I think this cow got a lot closer than this to see what was happening as tricky used his cow whispering skills to entice it forwards for the shot ;)

SIAMESE CAT: blue eyes 3.261.031
animals photos
Image by Juergen Kurlvink
Hear: Whats New Pussycat - Tom Jones and
See: Slideshow New (last 30 day) or ► Large or ► Map

Ort: Südstadt • in Hannover Region Hannover Niedersachsen Deutschland
Place: Hanover Southtown Hanover District Lower Saxony Germany

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Wir sind verliebt in unsere Siamkatze MIMI. Aber was heißt "unsere" ... sie ist nur eine Gastkatze. Geboren in der Nähe von Malaga /Spanien, ist sie eine echte wild-rassige Spanierin.
Unsere ehemalige Nachbarin bekam sie von ihrem Vater 1993 geschenkt.
Wir boten uns an, bei Bedarf sie zu pflegen mittlerweile teilen wir sie uns etwa monatlich. Mimi scheint das gut zu gefallen.
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We are in love to our Siamese cat MIMI. But what is "our" ... she is only visiting-cat.
Born near Malaga, Spain. She is a real wild-racy Spanish girl.
Our former neighbour christiane had she from her father 1993 as gift.
We offered us, if necessary, she to maintain, now we exchanging she circa every month. Mimi seems to be well liked. • • •

Muerte en la playa
animals photos
Image by montuno
El sol ya no sale para este cachalote.
No more sunrise for this sperm whale.
