
Pet Animals And Children

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Children like animals and love having their own pets. Kids and pets go together like thread and a needle. Parents sometimes wonder if they should buy their child a pet or not? There are some risks involved when children and animals are together. Here are some safety issues which should be taken care before an animal is bought as a pet for a child. The Syrian hamster was the first introductory pet for young children. It is one of the first small animals to be considered as pets and make ideal pets because they take less time and effort to tame than a dog or a cat. Moreover it is less expensive to keep than the larger animals.

Small pets also helps in educating children into responsible pet caretakers and taking concern for a pet can teach children to learn important lessons about the responsibility of caring for animals. Hence, children need to be taught how to be kind to animals, and at the same time it is important that children need to know how to play safely with animals. Children and animals can have a good combination but there is a chance that it can be a dangerous one. You should assure that your child’s relationship with their new pet is a safe and happy one.

Children suffering from Diarrhea and dysentery are mainly affected by e.coli and other bacteria. A child’s immune system is in the developmental stage and is not as resistant to bacteria as an adult is. This can leave the child with infections from the common cold, to ear infections and gastrointestinal infection. The child's immune system remains immature and often unable to build up an effective immune response against disease causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses.

A child’s immune system is not fully protective until they reach around 12 to 14 years of age.

Children under the age of 6 to 7 should not be given any animal as a pet. Small children under 6 years old very often pick up germs, bacteria, and disease from animals. Young children also have a bad habit of putting their hands in their mouths after handling an animal or touching the coats and equipments of animals such as cages, food bowls and the little pillows that these animal’s use. The animal’s coats are also impure with bacteria from feces and urine.  Young children should not be permitted to rub the coat of any animal. Although the animal is clean it carries bacteria on their coats. Children at their age very easily get affected by diseases in comparison to the adults.

Young children do not wash their hands as adults do. It is very important to teach children to wash hands properly with soap and water after coming into contact with animals or their bedding and equipment. Don’t allow children to kiss pets or to put their hands into their own mouths after touching animals. Teach your child never to disturb an animal when they are sleeping or eating. Never let them make loud noises when they are close to the pet because it can make them bite unintentionally. Teach the child to clean the aquarium every week, change the water, feed the fish bathe the dog and take care of them by taking them to the closest vet for their booster shots regularly.

The article above has been written and posted by team of OnlineSchoolAdmissions.Com, a leading portal offering web based school admission solutions to the parents. The portal has a school directory list from where parents can search for Dav Girls School or Lm Dhadha Secondary School where they want to admit their child. As per their choice, parents also can search for National Public School and can apply to the schools by filling up the application forms online.
