
Animal Slaughter

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Traditions and laws

Camel slaughter in Mauritania

Laws for ritual slaughter

Ritual slaughter of animals is also used for food production. Such slaughter is governed by various laws, most notably:

Shechita - Jewish laws of slaughtering animals

Dhabihah - Islamic law of slaughtering animals

United States

A cow restrained for captive bolt stunning.

In the United States, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) specifies the approved methods of livestock slaughter:

Chemical (carbon dioxide)

This method is approved for sheep, calves and swine. The animal is asphyxiated by the use of carbon dioxide gas.

Mechanical (captive bolt)

This method is approved for sheep, swine, goats, calves, cattle, horses, mules, and other equines. A captive bolt stunner is applied to the livestock so as to produce immediate unconsciousness in the animals before they are butchered.

Mechanical (gunshot)

This method is approved for cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules, and other equines. The gun is used to render the animal immediately unconscious (and presumably dead) before butchering.

Electrical (stunning or slaughtering with electric current)

This method is approved for swine, sheep, calves, cattle, and goats. The current applied is sufficient to ensure surgical anesthesia throughout the "bleeding" of the animal.

Each of these methods is outlined in detail, and the regulations require that inspectors identify operations which cause undue "excitement and discomfort" of animals.



Ike jime, a Japanese method of slaughtering fish

Pig slaughter

Horse slaughter


^ "Humane Slaughter of Livestock Regulations (National Citation: 9 C.F.R. 313.1 - 90)". Animal Legal and Historical Center (regulations from USDA). 2007. http://www.animallaw.info/administrative/adus9cfr313.htm. 

See also

Animal euthanasia

Cattle slaughter

Humane Slaughter Act

Ritual slaughter, Animal sacrifice

Pig scalder

Pig slaughter

Poultry slaughter

Rendering (food processing)

Sheep slaughter

External links

Canada Agricultural Products Act R.S., 1985, c. 20 (4th Supp.)

Humane Slaughter of Livestock Regulations

Categories: Animal killing | Meat processingHidden categories: Articles to be expanded from May 2008 | All articles to be expanded | Articles with limited geographic scope

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