
Cheap Stuff Forever!

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Well I could be an ardent defender of human rights and fight for peace on earth and equality of all people, but I still would sound as a lame contender in a beauty contest. Are there actually beauty contests for men? But actually I am quite satisfied that we are not so equal and I do not think I am the only one.

The world as we know it holds on cheap labour. There are a lot of organizations that fight for the equality and quality of live for all humankind. It is very admirable, but at the same time it's a paradox as most people still use the products manufactured by cheap labour or even in some cases by child labour. It is just as illogical as Greenpeace protesting against extraction of oil at the sea by circling an oil rig with a ship that uses diesel. In my opinion there will always be differences in the world and we all cannot be millionaires and it is OK, although I would not have anything against being a millionaire. The difference in labour costs is what keeps the market interesting and alive. Actually the cheaper the labour costs the greater the benefit to the poorer population as the price of goods remains low and more affordable.

Will the labour costs rise in future? Probably, but I do not think that, for example, the average wage of a Chinese worker will ever reach the wage levels of an average European Union worker. This seems impossible due to the shire number of Chinese labourers. Let's not forget that Asia is not the only place with low labour costs. There are South and Central America and almost a whole continent of Africa with a huge hidden potential. I think there will come a time when companies who currently relocate their manufacturing to Asia will realize the labour potential of Africa.

It will not probably happen in the nearest future due to the unstable political situation in Africa, but the potential will always be there.

Who knows what the future actually brings us, but at least for the foreseeable future we will have the choice between cheap and expensive stuff.

Matthew E. Brock is a writer for International Trade suggestions site. Check out the smart and valuable information. Subscribe to our trade newsletter for more tips and suggestions.
